Ashley & Matt

Norfolk will always hold a place in my heart. After living there for 4 years and getting my degree from ODU… I had a hard time leaving the area.  Not everyone loves it but, I did.  2 of my very close friends still live in the 757 so whenever a bride asks if I travel […]

July 21, 2015



Jordi & David

We all have them. We all need them… Best friends.  I turn to mine all the time and they are always there for me.  This is who Sue is to my mom.  Sue is my mom’s ear when she needs to talk things out, her confidant, her source for laughter… And my mom is that to Sue. […]

July 9, 2015



Katie & Will

I had been watching the weather all week.  Once the forecast said 100% chance of rain, I knew I had to mentally prepare myself.  Clear umbrellas packed with a million scenarios in my mind.  Mother Nature was in quite the mood.  I walked into the Marriott and all of Katie and her girls were getting […]

July 4, 2015
